Dear Christian leaders, churches, and elected officials:
Welcome to the official website of the Niagara 2020 Declaration. We sincerely thank you for your interest and for visiting. We hope you will be able to join us in this national Christian initiative, and we value your prayers for its success.
In Canada, as blessed recipients of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for generations and heirs of the Christian Parliamentary tradition and English Common Law, we have long been able to take our freedoms and liberties in the faith for granted. Tragically, those days have waned, and we all share culpability for the declining situation and loss of the pervasive influence of the Scriptures. In our generation, with the undeniably radical cultural shift over the last sixty years, we are confronted with increased political, institutional, and legal opposition to the faith. Christians are facing an attack on our historic liberties and Charter freedoms. These include (but are not limited to) various persecutions in the form of media propaganda, speech and human rights codes, Supreme Court decisions regarding Christian institutions and end of life issues, municipal and provincial bylaws regarding sexuality and gender, indefinite emergency restrictions and lockdowns, and proposed amendments to the Criminal Code that could radically curtail the freedom of Christian leaders, churches and parents (cf. the federal bill to criminally ban so-called “conversion therapy”).
In facing these serious threats to freedom, we urgently need a united and collective witness bridging denominational distinctives, that gives voice to our concern for the ongoing freedom and liberty of Christ’s church and the propagation of the Gospel in our nation. Such a collective stand can be used to great effect as part of a united Christian engagement with civil authorities when God-given and historic liberties are threatened or trodden upon.
Originating in a gathering of Christian leaders in the Niagara region in the fall of 2020, this document is a humble attempt to rally the Christian Church in this nation around a common declaration as it relates to church and state and the protection of our civil liberties. History proves that freedoms not fought for are soon forfeited; if the church loses its freedom, freedoms will be lost for all. We can no longer afford to be complacent. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, our neighbours who need the Gospel, and our beloved nation of Canada, we must prayerfully and courageously seek to stem the tide to the glory of God and for the kingdom of His dear Son.
Our prayer is that you will seriously consider joining Christian leaders right across our nation in signing this potentially historic document as we seek to bring various faithful Canadian churches together around our common commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, freedom for the Gospel, and constitutional liberty for the churches.
Pro Rege
Primary contacts:
Rev. Dr. Joe Boot - josephj.boot@westminsterchapel.ca
Rev. Dr. Aaron Rock - leadpastor@harvestwindsor.ca
Rev. Dr. Michael Thiessen - michael@libertycoalitioncanada.com
In view of various culture-abandoning errors and a broad decline presently inflicting and marginalizing the Church, and at a time in the Dominion of Canada when our civil society is renouncing, both in law and socio-cultural life, its historic Christian heritage in pursuit of liberty without the Gospel, justice without God’s law, truth without the Scriptures, flourishing without obedience, atonement without the cross, love without faithfulness, peace without repentance, salvation without Christ, and a world without creational norms, it is incumbent upon a faithful Church to set forth to all powers and authorities, the claims of Christ and the freedom of His Kingdom people, the Church (Matt. 28:18-20; Eph. 3:10; Col. 2:15; 1 Tim. 1:9-11, 17; 3:15; 1 Pt. 2:16-17; 5:11).
In a national cultural context in which ultimate sovereignty is rapidly being seized by – or readily surrendered to – the State, imperilling inherited liberties and exposing our civil government to divine judgment, we must be mindful that freedoms not fought for are soon forfeited.
Therefore, in response to our national spiritual crisis, we declare:
WHEREAS Jesus Christ claims total authority over the nations as the Creator and Ruler of the kings, judges, and governors of the earth (Ps. 2:7-12; Ps. 110; Luke 23:3; John 19:11; Acts 17:7; Eph. 1:20-23; Phil. 2:9-11; Col. 1:15-17; 1 Tim. 1:17; Rev. 1:5);
AND WHEREAS the one, holy, catholic (i.e. universal) and apostolic Church has been founded by our Lord Jesus Christ long before all temporal authorities of this Dominion of Canada came into existence (Matt. 16:18; Mark 3:13-19; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:7-13; Col. 1:18);
AND WHEREAS the Church of Jesus Christ does not have her position in the nation assigned her by the permission of civil government, but jure divino – she has her own organization and she possesses her own office-bearers (Matt. 10:1-15; 18:15-20; 28:18-20; Acts 14:23; 1 Cor. 5:9-13; 6:1-7; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:9-13);
AND WHEREAS the sovereignty of the State and the sovereignty of the Church exist side by side, instituted by God and in service to God, mutually limiting each other as recognized in the Scriptures and applied in Magna Carta (Mark 12:13-17; Acts 5:29-32; Rom. 13:1, 4; 1 Cor. 6:1-7; 2 Cor. 10:3-6; Eph. 1:22; Phil. 2:9-11; 1 Tim. 2:1-4);
AND WHEREAS various kings and queens of the Dominion of Canada have confirmed in the British Parliament the Great Charter which grants that the Church “shall be free, and shall have all her whole Rights and Liberties inviolable” (Magna Carta, 1297);
AND WHEREAS our Head of State, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, in her Coronation Oath (1953) swore that to the utmost of her power she would “maintain the Laws of God and true profession of the Gospel”;
AND WHEREAS the Royal Coat of Arms of Canada invokes the universal dominion of the Lord’s anointed King, Jesus Christ, over the land in its national motto: A mari usque ad mare (taken from the Latin Vulgate translation of Psalm 72:8: Et dominabitur a mari usque ad mare, et a flumine usque ad terminos terrae, meaning “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth”);
AND WHEREAS the Supremacy of God over the Dominion of Canada is clearly acknowledged in the preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law”;
AND WHEREAS freedom of conscience and religion, expression, thought, opinion and belief, peaceful assembly, and association is enshrined in the international law common to all civilized nations and as fundamental freedoms in section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
WE THE UNDERSIGNED, representatives of various confessionally orthodox churches, denominations, organizations, and fellowships, DECLARE that the following God-given and historically inherited liberties of the Church are to be observed, maintained, and protected in the Dominion of Canada today and forever:
Article 1. Liberty in all spiritual matters
There shall be no interference from civil authorities in the spiritual matters of the Church of Jesus Christ either by Federal or Provincial legislation, local bylaws, or by threats and intimidation from diverse arms of the administrative state bureaucracy. We recognize no authority other than Jesus Christ and His Word in the rule, ministry, and teaching of the Church. Spiritual matters include, in particular, the worship of God, the confession, sacraments, ordinances, discipline, and rites of the Church, and the teaching and pastoral guidance of the same.
Article 2. Liberties related to the Holy Bible
The Holy Bible shall be freely printed, distributed (both through electronic media and in hard copy), read, quoted, preached, and taught anywhere in the Dominion of Canada without fear of legal penalty or censure. The teaching of this Word is commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ, being Himself attested to us in Holy Scripture, as the one Word of God which all people have to hear, and whom all people have to trust and obey in life and in death.
Article 3. Liberty to preach the Gospel
The Churches shall remain free to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ peacefully, proselytize, establish churches, and disciple those who wish to follow Christ without any form of censorship or penalties imposed by temporal civil authorities. We reject all false doctrine asserting that the Church must surrender the content or form of its message to the prevailing ideological and political convictions of our day. The Christian Church is in all things to acknowledge and declare the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, whose Word upholds all things.
Article 4. Liberty of doctrine
The Churches shall be free to define and express their theological and moral doctrines under the Lordship of Christ and authority of Scripture without any form of interference, censure, or legal persecution by temporal civil authorities. We reject the false doctrines of men which assert there could be areas of our life in which we would not belong and be subject to Jesus Christ but to other lords above or besides Him.
Article 5. Liberty of conscience
Like all citizens, Christians in Canada have a right to liberty of conscience. As such, none may be compelled or coerced to act contrary to their conscience. No one may be compelled or coerced to adhere to, or to renounce, any religious, moral, or philosophical belief.
Article 6. Liberties related to the Christian family
Parents in Christian churches are to remain free to disciple, educate, and catechize their children in the faith and confession of the Church without fear of persecution, reprisal, or the seizure of their children by the State. We reject the false ideology that beyond its God-ordained and limited sphere as a ministry of public justice, the State should become the sole and total order of human life and so presume to fulfil the vocations of the family and the Church.
Article 7. Liberties related to ministers of the Gospel
Ministers and officers in the Church shall remain free to carry out the duties pertaining to their office without hindrance or interference from any person or authority as affirmed and protected in section 176 of the Canadian Criminal Code, 2019.
Article 8. Liberties related to gatherings for religious worship
The churches and their members shall remain free to meet in person for religious worship, prayer, the study of the Bible, or any moral or benevolent purpose without disturbance or interruption from any persons. The sacred duties to assemble for worship and engage in Christian ministry are divine obligations laid down in Holy Scripture and uniquely protected in Section 176 of the Canadian Criminal Code (2019). Recognizing that both the Church and a just State have an interest in mitigating harm when confronted with times of genuine crisis, such as war or plague, the churches may dialog and work with civil authorities to temporarily limit their religious practices without forswearing their prerogative to the same.
Article 9. Liberties related to taxation
Christians are ambassadors of Christ and the church is God’s embassy, representing the sovereign claims of Jesus Christ. For centuries in the West, the existence of the church institute has placed a real limit on State power for all citizens. As such, the Church has maintained its immunity from taxation (modern law refers to charitable status) ensuring its freedom from coercion by the State, whilst at the same time freeing the State from any obligation to collect funds for the Church. The Church shall remain free and independent from State control by maintaining its immunity.
Article 10. Liberties to be enjoyed universally without partiality
Notwithstanding divisions existing within the Church at any particular time, all denominations, jurisdictions, communities, and individual believers are entitled to the full benefit of the liberties set out herein. There should be no partiality in law between different churches and their confessions in the enjoyment of the aforesaid liberties.
This solemn document – containing an affirmation of scriptural truth concerning Christ and His Church, the inherited liberties bequeathed to us by our forebears, and ten articles duly deduced from them – calls upon all who can stand in solidarity with its Declaration to be mindful of these biblical findings in all their decisions and actions concerning the relationship of Church and State and to passionately defend them when assaulted, and to earnestly pray for all those in civil authority, that God might direct them in all their ways so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness (1 Tim. 2:1-2; see also Ezra 6:10; Jer. 29:7; 1 Pet. 2:17).
Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God,
be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Tim. 1:17)
This declaration, promulgated to defend the freedoms and liberty of the entire Church of Jesus Christ in Canada, was drafted September 2020 in the Niagara Region following a summit meeting of Christian leaders concerning the freedom of the church, by: Rev. Dr. Joseph Boot, in grateful collaboration and consultation with Rev. Dr. Aaron Rock, Rev. Dr. Michael Thiessen, Mr. André Schutten, and Mr. Pavel Stroilov.
The following 282 churches, organizations, and elected officials have signed the Declaration
Westminster Chapel, Toronto, ON
Harvest Bible Church, Windsor, ON
Christ the King Fellowship, Alliston, ON
Ezra Institute, Grimsby, ON
Trinity Bible Chapel, Waterloo, ON
Golden Harvest Baptist Church, Fort Erie, ON
Humber Blvd Baptist Church, Toronto, ON
Evergreen Chapel, Smiths Falls, ON
RCCG Faith Chapel, Orleans, ON
Christian Baptist Church, Newmarket, ON
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Bracebridge, ON
The Ministry Company, London, ON
Dryden Full Gospel Church, Dryden, ON
Lighthouse Church, Amherstburg, ON
Every Nation Church Mississauga, Mississauga, ON
Calvary Chapel London, London, ON
Crossroads Alliance Church, Ingersoll, ON
Southgate Church, Kemptville, ON
Thousand Islands Baptist Church, Brockville, ON
Sevilla Chapel, St. Catharines, ON
Blenheim Word of Life Church, Blenheim, ON
Bramalea Baptist Church, Brampton, ON
International Fellowship of Canada (IFC), Brampton, ON
Pinewoods Chapel, Angus, ON
Legacy Baptist Church, Mississauga, ON
First Baptist Church, Pembroke, ON
Praise Fellowship Church, Chatham, ON
Hill City Baptist Church, Peterborough, ON
Grace Lutheran Church, Pembroke, ON
Redemption Church Calgary South, Calgary, AB
Fairview Baptist Church, Calgary, AB
Lanark Baptist Church, Perth, ON
Grace Life Church, Beausejour, MB
Mountain View Christian Church, Hamilton, ON
Liberty Bible Baptist Church, Brockville, ON
Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa, ON
Randy Hillier, MPP, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, ON
Evergreen Mission Center, Aurora, ON
Thirdday Worship Centre, Kingston, ON
Lethbridge Evangelical Ministerial Association, Lethbridge, AB
The Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, Lethbridge, AB
Milverton Christian Fellowship, Milverton, ON
Kawartha Classical Christian School, Peterborough, ON
Ontario Christian Home Educators' Connection, Puslinch, ON
The Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada, London, ON
Maple City Baptist Church, Chatham, ON
Life-Gate Fellowship Church, Windsor, ON
Reformed Rebel Network, London, ON
East Africa River Mission, Flinton, ON
Newcastle Fellowship Baptist Church, Newcastle, ON
Destination Church, Ridgeway, ON
Camp Cherith, Barrie, ON
Canadian Reformed Church of Fergus North, Fergus, ON
Heights Baptist Church, Medicine Hat, AB
Real Life Church, Simcoe, ON
Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries, Toronto ON
Miramichi Valley Church, Doaktown, NB
Immanuel United Reformed Church, Jordan, ON
Trinity Baptist Church, Burlington, ON
Rev. Dr. David Schrader, National Pastor to the Congregational Christian Churches in Canada, Simcoe, ON
Thornloe Crossroads Baptist Church, New Liskeard, ON
Catherine Smith, City Councillor (former), Medicine Hat, AB
Westminster Classical Christian Academy, Toronto, ON
Windsor Christian Fellowship, Windsor, ON
Niagara South Canadian Reformed Church, Welland, ON
New Arising (Nuevo Amanecer) Christian Community, Mississauga, ON
United Reformed Church of PEI, Winsloe, PE
Olivet Baptist Church, Toronto, ON
Word of Faith International Christian Centre, Toronto, ON
Golden Plains Baptist Church, Portage la Prairie, MB
Lighthouse Gospel Church, Port Burwell, ON
Wellandport URC, Wellandport, ON
Creation Ministries International (Canada), Kitchener, ON
Windmill Point Church, Ridgeway, ON
Hope Centre/Congregation, Brampton, ON
Rosenort Community Church, Rosenort, MB
Kingsway Christian Church, Toronto, ON
The Church of God, Aylmer, ON
Faith Presbyterian Church, Tillsonburg, ON
The Demman Show, Crowsnest Pass, AB
North Broadway Baptist Church, Tillsonburg, ON
Lighthouse Gospel Church, Mornington, ON
Parkwood Gospel Church, Windsor, ON
Old Reformed Congregation, Salford, ON
Trinity Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Chatham, ON
Inkerman Wesleyan Church, Inkerman, ON
Bethel-Park Bible Chapel, Brantford, ON
Cántaro Institute, Lincoln, ON
Break Forth Ministries, Sherwood Park, AB
Grace Fellowship, Waterloo, ON
Springford Reformed Church, Springford, ON
Hope Reformed Church of Brampton, Brampton, ON
Lighthouse Ministries of London, London, ON
Grace Community Church, Thorold, ON
Elliott Heights Baptist Church, Hamilton, ON
St. Thomas Community Church, St. Thomas, ON
Russell Reformed Presbyterian Church, Russell, ON
Immanuel Reformed Church of Nobleton, Nobleton, ON
Église Réformée Baptiste d'Acton Vale, Acton Vale, QC
First Reformed Church, St. Catharines, ON
Walsh Baptist Church, Walsh, ON
Hope Bible Church Oakville, Oakville, ON
Adoration United Reformed Church, St. Catharines, ON
Bethel United Reformed Church, Brockville, ON
Grace Community Church, Lethbridge, AB
Antioch Christian Ministries, Essex, ON
Canadian Reformed Church of Smithville, Smithville, ON
Zion United Reformed Church, Sheffield, ON
Birchwood Church, Charlottetown, PE
Lansing Avenue Baptist Chapel, Sudbury, ON
Heritage Reformed Church, Burgessville, ON
Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church, Aldergrove, BC
Rosedale Baptist Church, Welland, ON
New City Church, Brantford, ON
Psalm 40 Ministries, Paris, ON
Netherlands Reformed Congregation, Norwich, ON
Compass Church, Richmond, BC
Bethel United Reformed Church of Aylmer, Aylmer, ON
Wetaskiwin Mission Church, Wetaskiwin, AB
Uxbridge Baptist Church, Uxbridge, ON
Guelph Bible Chapel, Guelph, ON
Redemption Church Calgary North, Calgary, AB
Bethel United Reformed Church, Woodstock, ON
Pilgrim Holiness Church, Kingston, ON
Ray Cross Ministry, Oshawa, ON
Riverside Presbyterian Church, Cambridge, ON
Vineyard Canadian Reformed Church, Lincoln, ON
Arnstein Evangelical Baptist Church, Loring, ON
Safe Haven Worship Centre, Ajax, ON
Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON
Angel Ministries, Kitchener, ON
Attercliffe Canadian Reformed Church, Attercliffe, ON
Sweets Corners Christian Church, Nanticoke, ON
The Gathering Place Of Aurora, Aurora, ON
Churchill Baptist Church, Tottenham, ON
The Redeemed Christian Church of God - Kings and Priests Centre, Winnipeg, MB
The Great Exchange Podcast, Winnipeg, ON
Joan Harker, Raymond Town Councillor, Raymond, AB
Jerseyville Baptist Church, Jerseyville, ON
Steel City Baptist Church, Hamilton, ON
Parkland Reformed Church, Ponoka, AB
Maranatha Free Reformed Church, Hamilton, ON
Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church, Fergus, ON
Full Gospel Assembly, Edam, SK.
Eagles Nest Community Church, St. Catharines, ON
Greenwood Baptist Church, North Bay, ON
Heritage Reformed Congregation, Jordan Station, ON
Trinity Reformed Church (URCNA), Lethbridge, AB
Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church, Abbotsford, BC
New Life Fellowship Baptist Church, Innisfil, ON
Neerlandia Canadian Reformed Church - South, Neerlandia, AB
Grace Reformed Church in Kelowna, Kelowna, BC
New Westminster United Reformed Church, New Westminster, BC
Saturate Church, Mississauga, ON
Grace Covenant Church, Altona, MB
Cornerstone United Reformed Church, London, ON​
Free Reformed Church of Oxford County, Norwich, ON
Bethel United Reformed Church, Calgary, AB
The Free Reformed Church of Mitchell, Mitchell, ON
Emmanuel Reformed Church of Neerlandia (URCNA), Neerlandia, AB
Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church, Ancaster, ON
Carman West Canadian Reformed Church, Carman, MB
West Highland Baptist Church, Hamilton, ON
Dunnville Canadian Reformed Church, Dunnville, ON
Rod Taylor, Christian Heritage Party of Canada National Leader, Telkwa, BC
Grace Covenant Church, Sheffield, ON
Resurrection Lutheran Church, Pembroke, ON
The Dwelling Place, Hagersville, ON
First Baptist Church, Leamington, ON
Faith Reformed Church of Telkwa, Telkwa, BC
Bergthaler Mennonite Church, Warman, SK
Cayuga Christian Fellowship, Cayuga, ON
The Meadows Church, Mississauga, ON
Beacon Bible Chapel, Tillsonburg, ON
Harvest Church, Huntsville, ON
Harvest Church, Parry Sound, ON
Surrey Reformed Baptist Church, Surrey, BC
Gospel of Grace Fellowship, Weyburn, SK
Restoring the Mosaic, Dundalk, ON
House of Bread, BC
Bethel Christian Reformed Church, Saskatoon, SK
Peace Bible Church, Peace River, AB
Springfield Baptist Church, Springfield, ON
Harold Albrecht, MP(ret'd), Kitchener, ON
Resurrection Life Church, Surrey, BC
Bluewater Baptist Church, Sarnia, ON
Riverside Calvary Chapel, Langley, BC
Vancouver West Pentecostals Church, Vancouver, BC
Grace Haven Reformed Brethren, Regina, SK
Redeeming Grace Bible Church, Fairview, AB
Sovereign Grace Community Church, Sarnia, ON
Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers, Smithers, BC
Bible Baptist Church, Niagara Falls, ON
Gateway Myanmar Baptist Church, Surrey, BC
Hague Gospel Church, Hague, SK
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Red Lake, ON
Kingsway Christian Church of Haldimand, Balmoral, ON
Forest Baptist Church, Forest, ON
Carman Pentecostal Church, Carman, MB
Free Grace Fellowship, Lethbridge, AB
Brent Feyter, Mayor, Fort Macleod, AB
Covenant Christian Reformed Church of Barrie, Barrie, ON
Rehoboth United Reformed Church, Ancaster, ON
Grace Family Reformed Baptist Church, Medicine Hat, AB
Heritage Reformed Church of Chilliwack, Chilliwack, BC
Hoosier Community Church, Hoosier, SK
Kitchener-Waterloo Christian Fellowship, Kitchener, ON
Anchor Ministerial Fellowship, Kitchener, ON
Elora Road Christian Fellowship, Guelph, ON
Rimbey New Life Fellowship, Rimbey, AB
Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Markdale, ON
Bornholm Free Reformed Church, Bornholm, ON
Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Komoka, ON
​​Okanagan Valley Baptist Church, Vernon, BC
First Baptist Church, Peace River, AB
Kelowna Full Gospel Church Society (the Bridge), Kelowna, BC
Coram Deo Baptist Church, Grande Prairie, AB
Jerome Dondo, Christian Heritage Party of Canada National President, St. Claude, MB
Covenant Christian Church (URCNA), Wyoming, ON
Grand Valley Christian Centre, Brantford, ON
Called to the Nations, Alliston, ON
Countryside Community Church, Alberta, ON
Living Hope Evangelical Church, La Crete, AB
Grace Bible Fellowship, La Crete, AB
Living Waters Fellowship, Campbell River, BC
Community Baptist Church, Hampton, ON
Canadian Reformed Church at Cloverdale, Surrey, BC
Smithers Canadian Reformed Church, Smithers, BC
Neerlandia Canadian Reformed Church, Neerlandia, AB
Cornerstone URC of Edmonton, Edmonton, AB
Global Apostolic Ministries International, Toronto, ON
Canadian Reformed Church at Sardis, Sardis, BC
Cottam Baptist Church, Cottam, ON
St. George's Reformed Episcopal Church, Hamilton, ON
Spring Creek Canadian Reformed Church, Tintern, ON
Cornerstone Bible Church, Steinbach, MB
Somerset Bible Chapel, Somerset, MB
Owen Sound Canadian Reformed Church, Owen Sound, ON
Trinity United Reformed Church, St. Catharines, ON
Desert Stream Christian Fellowship, Belleville, ON
Durham Christian Fellowship, Ajax, ON
Mission Springs Church of God, Kelowna, BC
Nobleford CRC Church, Nobleford, AB
Unity Baptist Church, Unity, SK
Cornerstone Community Church, Edmonton, AB
Reformed By Grace Baptist Church, Vermilion,
Freedom Victory Centre, Oshawa, ON
Immanuel Assembly of God Church of Calgary, Calgary, AB
Redemption Church Durham, Whitby, ON
Grace Reformed Church, Dunnville, ON
Covenant Canadian Reformed Church at Grassie, Grimsby, ON
New Hope Christian Fellowship, Shawville, QC
Encounter Church, Kingston, ON
Heritage Baptist Church, Barrie, ON
Railway Avenue Mission, Kisbey, SK
Forestview Community Church, Grimsby, ON
Viva Church, Oshawa, ON
C.S. Lewis Institute - Canada, Toronto, ON
Vernon Canadian Reformed Church, Vernon, BC
Rev The Nations, Burnaby, BC
Fellowship Baptist Church, Edmonton, AB
Providence United Reformed Church, Strathroy, ON
Ebenezer FRC of Dundas, Dundas, ON
St. Peter-on-the-Rock, Bowen Island, BC
Hope Reformed Christian School, Paris, ON
The King's Way Church, Vancouver, BC
Arsenal Awakening Hub, Charlottetown, PEI
Markham Missionary Church, Markham, ON
Grace Reformed Church of Leduc, Leduc, AB
Elim Bible Chapel, Arkona, ON
The Mill Christian Fellowship, Mississauga, ON
St. Albert Canadian Reformed Church, St. Albert, AB
Emmaus Church, Burlington, ON
Église réformée baptiste de la Trinité, Montréal, Qc
Moose Mountain Reformed Baptist Church, Arcola, SK
Christ the King Community Church, Gibsons, BC
Église réformée baptiste de la Capitale, Québec City, QC
Blenheim Evangelical Mennonite Missionary Church, Blenheim, ON
Osborne Village Church, Winnipeg, MB
Christ Is King Non-Conformist Church, Grand Forks, BC
Home Church Langley, Langley, BC
Philadelphia Romanian Pentecostal Church, Cambridge, ON